Ignoring or reacting to the dark side of the others. Which one is wiser? But what if ignoring should end up in fact as obeying to that situation?! … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Ignoring or reacting to the dark side of the others. Which one is wiser? But what if ignoring should end up in fact as obeying to that situation?! … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Blog Article

Oliver was a businessman from Florida, that was traveling all the time .... all around the United States.

In Miami he was living with his dog ... and each time he had to leave, he was letting his dog at a very nice hotel for pets.

He was friend by a long time with the owner of that hotel, but did not knew so much his wife.

One day, being in a hurry ... and also being afraid that he will not catch the flight to Los Angels ... Oliver takes his little beautiful dog, goes to the pet hotel ... lets the dog at the reception and wanted to leave ... without saying another word.

His taxi was waiting him outside.

The manager of the hotel, the wife of his friend Liam ... was close by the reception and smiling to Oliver is saying:

“I’m sorry sir ... you can’t just leave your dog in here and leave.

You need to sign some papers, tell us few things about the health of your dog, make the payment ... and then you can



I promise you, that my colleague will help you and will not take more than 5 minutes”.

The lady was very polite to Oliver, but instead of understanding that he needs to follow some internal rules of the hotel .... he became very annoyed ... and said to the lady right away:

“Listen! I don’t want to argue with you ... but i will!

First of all i am a friend of your husband ... and this is the rule i have with him .... i come here, i let the dog and leave.

When i come back i pay.


Why do you force me to sign 20 papers?!

I need to catch up a flight to LA! I am really in a hurry ... and i totally dislike to follow all those procedures”.

Smiling again the lady says:

“My husband is not here now, but i assure you that those are the rules for all our clients.

We don’t want to offend or annoy anyone.

We have some rules in here ... just in all the other hotels.”

Seeing no way out of the situation ... Oliver is obeying to the procedures .... signs the papers and pays with his credit card.

In the same time ... another guy, a man of about 60 years old ... comes with his dog ... lets the little being ... in the receptions and leaves.

The manager is just looking at him ... they smile to each other ... then they say good bye by shaking hands ... but without saying a word.

Oliver gets really annoyed ... but tries to control himself …


seeing the scene, and politely ask the manager:

“I don’t want to be totally unsatisfied by your services today ... buy a guy just entered in here ... let the dog, did not signed any paper ... did not payed ... just let the dog and left.

Same as i wanted to do, but you explained me i just can’t do that.

It’s obvious you dislike me ... and actually want to provoke me a heart attack”

The lady smiles again and replies:

“Mr Oliver! The client that just left is having a medical problem and is almost impossible to communicate with him ... cause he is deaf.

His daughter sent us all the informations over email and payed us by bank transfer ... and you can do the same.

We don’t want you to have a heart attack, but that man is just the person that is taking the dog to us”

Still annoyed ... Oliver leaves ... but he was still unhappy cause he had to follow all those silly rules from the hotel.

He almost had a heart attack because of the old man that came in the same time with him ... not realizing the missunderstanding ... and even if he was informed by the manager what is going on ... he was still feeling offended.

He was reacting in a silly way to a standard situation ... that he could just ignore ... by losing 5 minutes with the procedures of the hotel.

But why?!

He had the illusory idea that the lady wanted to annoy him ... and he was totally convinced that he was reacting to the dark side of her.


But was that true?!

Did the lady wanted to annoy her client, before taking his money?!

Well ... maybe Oliver was just under stress, because he was afraid of losing the flight to LA, but certainly he did not know how to react in those type of situations.

And many .... too many of us ... just act as Oliver.

We over react ... so easily ... most of the times, believing we react to the dark side of the people from our timeline ... but it’s all an illusion.

Actually ... it’s all a simple misunderstanding.

There is not about any dark side ... in many of the situations ... but simple by the fact that we over react ... most of the times.

We believe that people are asking us to obey to their rules or philosophy ... but they just came up with some procedures that in many cases ... were created just for helping us to work better together.

The dark side that we see ... is only an illusion from our mind ... and nothing more ... or maybe a simple reflection of our thoughts.




Download the book ”My relationship with the devil redefined my lifewritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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